Order Line Understanding Line Items

The line items of an order in Koi are more powerful than other platforms you may have used. They contain a lot of information and functionality in a minimal amount of space.

Information shown in a line item

As with any e-commerce platform, Koi displays a Thumbnail 1️⃣, Title 2️⃣ and SKU 3️⃣ of the product variant.

Unlike other e-commerce platforms, Koi also displays the quantity of units within a Pick Bin, a snapshot of inventory at the time of order, and the inventory location(s) of the product variant.

Pick Bin badge

The Pick Bin badge displays the Name 1️⃣ of the Pick Bin and the Quantity 2️⃣ of the line item within the Pick Bin.

Hovering your mouse over a Pick Bin badge will reveal its contents. These are the line items that make up the Pick Bin.

A line within the Pick Bin will have a green checkmark 1️⃣ if it has been fully picked. The Pick Bin item that corresponds to the order's line item will be in white text 2️⃣. Other items in the Pick Bin and their quantities will also be displayed 3️⃣.

Clicking on the Pick Bin Badge will Open the Pick bin in a new tab.

Inventory Snapshot Badge

Knowing the number of units you have in stock at the time of an order can be beneficial. The Inventory Snapshot Badge shows you just this, which is particularly useful if you allow backorders and want to see which items in an order are in stock.

Inventory Location Badge

The inventory location badge shows you the location of a product variant is within in your warehouse. It displays the title of the inventory location.

Hovering over the Inventory Location Badge shows you how many units you currently have in the location.

A line item can have multiple Inventory Location Badges if you have multiple locations for the one product variant across your warehouses.

Line Item Contextual Menu

If you right mouse button click on the line item, a contextual menu will appear, enabling you to:

  • Copy SKU: Copy the SKU of the line item and save it to your computer's clipboard.
  • Copy MPN: Copy the MPN of the line item and save it to your computer's clipboard.
  • Email - Product Unavailable: Asks Koi's AI to draft an email to the customer telling them that the product is unavailable.
  • Email - Product Unavailable: Asks Koi's AI to draft an email to the customer telling them that the product had Incorrect Inventory at the time of order.
  • Email - Supplier Out of Stock: Asks Koi's AI to draft an email stating that a backordered item is now unavailable with your supplier.
  • Open variant in new window: Opens the corresponding Product Variant page in a new browser window/tab.
  • Open product in new window: Opens the corresponding Product (not variant) page in a new browser window/tab.
  • Flag for reorder: Sets the reorder flag of the Product Variant to true.
  • Flag for promotion: Sets the Promo Flag of the Product Variant to true.

Line Item Numbers

On the right hand side of the line item, we have Line Item Numbers.

The numbers shown change depending on whether the orders is viewed in Warehouse or Sales view.

Numbers in Warehouse Mode

Whilst in Warehouse Mode, the numbers shown are:

  • The line item unit 1️⃣ price.
  • The fulfillable quantity 2️⃣ (this is how many units warehouse staff still need to action).
  • The total line price 3️⃣.

When you hover over the first information icon (the letter 'i' in the grey circle), a popover will appear displaying the total quantity ordered 1️⃣ and how many items from the line are yet to be actioned 2️⃣.

When you hover over the second information icon, a popover will appear displaying the COGs (cost of a single unit) and the Profit 1️⃣ and Profit Percentage 2️⃣ of the item.

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